Brainerd County Jail Information

No matter how hard someone tries to avoid it, anyone can end up on the wrong side of the law, going to jail in Brainerd County. If a friend or loved one is behind bars, you are likely wondering what steps you can take so that you can learn about the Brainerd County Jail inmates. At the Bail Bonds Doctor, people commonly ask us for Brainerd County Jail information, such as the Brainerd County Jail phone number. Our team has put this document together to help you find everything that you need to know, and you won’t have much trouble staying in touch with those who matter the most.

Brainerd County Jail Phone Number And Contact Information

When you know someone who is at the Brainerd County Jail, you can call to request additional details about the arrest. The number is (218) 822-7050, and you can reach someone from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. You won’t be able to speak with an inmate on the phone, but you can ask about visiting hours and the amount of time for which your friend or family member will be behind bars. During the call, don’t forget to ask about how you can add money to an inmate’s account to allow the inmate to send letters and make phone calls. If you need to drive to the jail, the address is 313 Laurel St, Brainerd, MN 56401.

More Brainerd County Jail Inmate Information

If you have not heard from a friend or relative for a while and believe that the person could be in jail in Brainerd County, you will want to contact the Brainerd County Jail. Although some jails will list booking information online, you won’t be able to access Brainerd County Jail inmate information from the internet. Those who want to learn about the Brainerd County Jail inmates will need to call or visit the office.

If you have any further questions or concerns regarding Brainerd County jail, then please give us here at The Bail Bonds Doctor a call at 612-332-3030 today!

Brainerd County Jail Location